The Strengite Process:
Green Closed Loop Cleaning

The only closed loop cleaning process that can remove pipework corrosion and produce no discharge.

Delivers Outstanding Cleaning.
With No Discharge.

The Strengite Process is not like other dischargeless closed loop cleaning processes. It is able to remove even heavy rusts. All without requiring discharge. The Strengite Process is robust and able to bring into solution thousands of ppm of iron and copper during the cleaning phase and still return iron and copper levels below 0.1 ppm at the end of the cleaning process. Metals are left highly passivated at end of the cleaning process and will resist flash corrosion.

The Strengite Process unlocks new tools for environmentally friendly cleaning and treating of closed loops systems. It builds upon existing methods of cleaning and treating of closed loop systems while at the same time enabling important new features like zero discharge cleaning of rusted systems and inhibitor recycling.

Highly Effective Cleaners

The effectiveness of cleaning with the Strengite Cleaners can be clearly seen.

Before and after pipe sections cleaned with Strengite process.
Note the passivation of the cut steel edges in the final pipe section.

Hover over the image to see the before & after

The Strengite Process is protected by patent and patent applications. Its use, products to operate the process, and equipment are only available through licensed and authorized companies.

The Strengite Process is capable of the following:

  • Infinite recycling of core inhibitor elements as system moves from cleaner to inhibitor and back again. Elements such as molybdenum are conserved - saving limited and expensive resources. Solves the molybdenum discharge problem

  • Single step cleaning of very heavily corroded systems far beyond what is possible with conventional chemical cleaning. The Strengite Cleaning Process is not bound by solubility limits. This enables fine control over how many corrosion products are removed while enabling the removal of rusts equal to tens of thousands of ppm iron. All in a single step.

  • Passivating metal surfaces post clean. This supresses flash corrosion and makes the cleaning process easier for users.

  • Removal of soluble copper and iron from inhibited closed loop systems without discharge or loss of inhibitor levels. Soluble iron of less than 0.5 ppm and soluble copper levels of less than 0.1 ppm post treatment are typical. This is a new and useful tool for the water treatment industry

  • Cleaning rusted and corroded closed loop systems without discharge. The Process is able to remove even heavy rusts and other corrosion deposits.

  • Direct measurement of cleaner concentration to enable maintenance of optimal cleaner concentration for closed loop cleaning. This saves cleaning time and optimises cleaner dosage required to clean the system. This is a new and useful tool for the water treatment industry.

  • Suppression of iron and copper solubility post cleaning even if the decision is made to leave some corrosion deposits on the pipework. The Strengite Chemistry binds to rust deposits and suppresses metal solubility. This eliminates the problem of rising dissolved iron and copper levels post cleaning when cleaning older systems where not all the corrosion deposits can be safely removed.

  • Working with standard mains water. Systems do not need to be filled with specially treated water.

  • Eliminates the need for discharge permits when cleaning dirty closed loops as no water is discharged.

  • Massive water savings. Approximately 0.5% of all wastewater is created by closed loop cleaning - a vast amount. Across Europe, the Strengite Process has the potential to save 0.5 cubic kilometres of water consumption and pollution.

  • Recovery of dirty and acidified glycol and cleaning the systems that hold them without discharge. Avoids glycol disposal costs. The glycol is recovered and reused. Useful and measurable carbon savings. Large cost savings on glycol and disposal fees. This is a new and useful tool for the water treatment industry

  • Solves the heavy metal and phosphorus pollution problems associated with closed loop cleaning. Closed loop cleaning is likely the largest source of copper, lead, and molybdenum pollution to the sewage system.

A Process that Builds on Existing Developed Processes

When cleaning closed loops with the Strengite Process, existing work practices continue. All that changes is the water chemistry used to clean and treat the system. The water that would be flushed to drain is passed to the Strengite equipment where all the dissolved corrosion deposits, oils, greases, and debris are removed from the water. The clean water is then returned to the system. The Strengite Process can be used to clean any non-aluminium closed loop system.