Strengite Cleaners

There are three different Strengite Cleaners available depending upon the amount of corrosion deposits that need to be removed. In situations where further cleaning is required, extra cleaning action is created by addition of Strengite C4 to the system being cleaned. Strengite C4 only replaces the elements of the cleaner consumed by the cleaning process. Strengite C4 is therefore substantially lower cost than the original cleaner.

Strengite C5

A cleaner for new systems designed to remove light rusts and corrosion. Produces less sediment during Strengite Process precipitation phase.

Strengite C5 dosed at 1% will dissolve approximately 179 ppm Fe (247 ppm as Fe3O4). 448 grams of Fe (619 grams as Fe3O4) are removed per 25 litres of Strengite C5.

Strengite C1

A cleaner for corroded systems that do not require deep cleaning. Passivates metal surfaces.

Strengite C1 dosed at 1% will dissolve approximately 638 ppm Fe (882 ppm as Fe3O4).

1595 grams of Fe (2204 grams  as Fe3O4) are removed per 25 litres of Strengite C1.

Strengite C2

A cleaner for older systems and systems that require deep cleaning. Capable of complete removal of all surface deposits. High passivation of metal surfaces. Outstanding cleaner.

Strengite C2 dosed at 1% will dissolve approximately 2166 ppm Fe (2993 ppm as Fe3O4).

Strengite C2 will remove 5415 grams of Fe (7484 grams  as Fe3O4) per 25 litres of Strengite C2.

Strengite C4

Used to add extra cleaning action to other Strengite cleaning products. Strengite C4 is also used to convert Strengite inhibitor products to a Strengite Cleaning Solution. Strengite C4 only replaces the elements of the cleaner consumed by the cleaning action and is therefore a low cost option to add extra cleaning to enable control of costs.

Strengite Cleaning Additives and Adjusters

There are three different Strengite Cleaners available depending upon the amount of corrosion deposits that need to be removed. In situations where further cleaning is required, extra cleaning action is created by addition of Strengite C4 to the system being cleaned. Strengite C4 only replaces the elements of the cleaner consumed by the cleaning process. Strengite C4 is therefore substantially lower cost than the original cleaner.

Strengite C3

A product to converts small particles to larger particles which are then easier to separate. Used after the precipitation of contaminants has taken place.

Pink Purity

An agent used to drive dissolved contaminants out of solution so that they can be removed by simple filtration.

Strengite A1

A pH adjustment product for system water pH adjustment and for use with the post treatment iron and copper removal process. Enables complete control of final system pH.

Strengite Corrosion Inhibitors

The Strengite inhibitor products are formulated to build upon the dissolved ions left in solution at the end of the Strengite cleaning process. They also contain extra additives that other inhibitors do not have. Use of the Strengite inhibitors post cleaning is essential. Failure to do this can result in scaling and corrosion protection problems.  All Strengite Inhibitors are designed to give excellent scale protection to heat transfer surfaces.

The Strengite inhibitors range from the standard nitrite and molybdenum/nitrite inhibitors to advanced inhibitors that give outstanding corrosion protection. Our advanced inhibitors can cycle from inhibitor to cleaner and back again without system drain downs. This means that systems never need to be drained down. The preservation of core inhibitor elements means that retreatment costs are low.

Strengite E1

A phosphate based corrosion inhibitor that can later be converted to a cleaning solution. Designed to protect metals during the construction phase. Not intended for long term preservation of systems. Not designed to give protection to aluminium.

Dosed at 1 litre per 100 litres of system water

Strengite E2

A nitrite based inhibitor system with build in scale control technology. Protects steel, copper, and brasses. Improves heat transfer for boilers and heat exchangers.

Dosed at 1 litre per 100 litres of system water

Strengite E3

A reduced molybdate/nitrite based inhibitor system with build in scale control technology. Twice the corrosion protection for aluminium compared to higher molybdate content molybdate/nitrite formulations. Protects steel, aluminium, copper, and brasses. Improves heat transfer for boilers and heat exchangers.

Dosed at 1 litre per 100 litres of system water

Strengite E4

A higher molybdate/nitrite based inhibitor system with build in scale control technology. Protects steel, aluminium, copper, and brasses. Improves heat transfer for boilers and heat exchangers.

Dosed at 1 litre per 100 litres of system water

Strengite E5

Intended for inhibiting systems not previous treated with Strengite E5 or Strengite E6

An outstanding molybdate based high performance corrosion inhibitor and scale control product that protects steel, aluminium, copper, and brasses. Improves heat transfer for boilers and heat exchangers. Can be converted to a Strengite Cleaning Solution without flushing out. Can be used in place of Strengite E1.

Dosed at 1 litre per 100 litres of system water

Strengite E6

Intended for inhibiting systems not previous treated with Strengite E5 or Strengite E6

An outstanding molybdate based corrosion inhibitor and scale control product that protects steel, aluminium, copper, and brasses. Improves heat transfer for boilers and heat exchangers. Can be converted to a Strengite Cleaning Solution without flushing out. This product is not compatible with nitrite and cannot be used to treat systems previously treated with nitrite unless special measures are taken. Can be used in place of Strengite E1.

Dosed at 1 litre per 100 litres of system water

Strengite E7

For systems previous treated with Strengite E5 or Strengite E6

Creates a molybdate based high performance corrosion inhibitor and scale control product that protects steel, aluminium, copper, and brasses. Improves heat transfer for boilers and heat exchangers. Can be converted to a Strengite Cleaning Solution without flushing out. Final inhibition equivalent to Strengite E5.

Dosed at 1 litre per 100 litres of system water

Strengite E8

For systems previous treated with Strengite E5 or Strengite E6

Creates an outstanding molybdate/amine based corrosion inhibitor and scale control product that protects steel, aluminium, copper, and brasses. Improves heat transfer for boilers and heat exchangers. Can be converted to a Strengite Cleaning Solution without flushing out. This product is not compatible with nitrite and cannot be used to treat systems previously treated with nitrite unless special measures are taken. Can be used in place of Strengite E1. Final inhibition equivalent to Strengite E6.

Dosed at 1 litre per 100 litres of system water