The Strengite Challenge to Other Closed Loop Minimal Discharge Processes

Before and after pipe sections cleaned with Strengite Process, which creates NO DISCHARGE.
The pipe metal surfaces were passivated as a result of the cleaning. Sharp metal edges were removed before cleaning

Without any discharge, can your minimal discharge process do any of the following:

  1. Remove even heavy rust and metal oxides and leave a completely clean pipe surface that is passivated to resist flash corrosion? Can your process fully clean older closed loop systems?

  2. Remove soluble iron and copper from already inhibited systems and maintain existing levels of molybdate and nitrite?

  3. Be filled with standard mains water without any fiddly and time consuming pre-treatment and still work?

  4. Remove tightly adhering mill scale that all pipe forming processes create on pipe surfaces?

  5. Clean up fouled glycol/water mixtures to recover the glycol and then go on to clean the system pipework?

  6. Not require the installation of expensive equipment to maintain system.

Make Your Job Easier and Greener

The Strengite Process can do all of the above and more. All the advantages of traditional cleaning but no discharge. Plus new tools such as removing soluble iron and copper post clean after treatment and being able to clean up fouled glycols. All without discharge.