Current Methods of Closed Loop Cleaning vs. The Strengite Process

Traditional Cleaning Methods:

  • Rely upon chemical cleaning agents to disperse debris and biologicals. They are capable of dissolving and completely removing corrosion deposits and mill scale.

  • Are highly effective.

  • Are suitable for cleaning old and new systems.

  • Consume large volumes of water and create large volumes of polluted wastewater.

  • Can create discharges to drain that violate discharge limits by as much as 200 times - exposing site to potential penalties and large fines.

Other Minimal Discharge Cleaning Processes:

  • Avoid the consumption and pollution of large volumes of water.

  • Rely solely upon physical movement of water flow to remove fouling.

  • Are incapable of removing any tightly adhering corrosion deposits, oils, or greases.

  • Require assembled pipework to be highly clean to start with. If any corrosion deposits form on pipe, the cleaning process will not work.

  • Require that strict and specific filling methods must be used with significant control of any biologicals required.

  • Are incapable of removing mill scales created by all known pipe forming methods.

  • Cannot be used on older systems as the process cannot remove corrosion deposits.

Chemical based cleaning delivers good system cleaning but creates lots of polluted water. Other minimal discharge processes avoid this, but the cleaning ability is significantly less. Neither option is ideal.

The Strengite cleaning technology overcomes all of the listed problems with none of the listed disadvantages.

Comparision of Strengite Process to Other Cleaning Processes