Demonstratable Clean Up

Those who are involved in water treatment will be aware of the difficulty proving to clients that closed loop clean up processes actually work. It is a common problem because the cleaning happens within pipework that is rarely seen.

We have a solution to this.

The Strengite Process is demonstratable on the countertop. With the Strengite Process, any system water that has high metals can be taken, treated using the Strengite Process, and shown to be cleaned up. Equally, Strengite Process can be shown to take corroded metal parts, clean them up, and then move on to remove all the dissolved metals. A waste volume reduction of 99.99% of solids can be shown. All on the desktop and all in the time of a short meeting. We can teach you to be able to prove this to your clients.

Below is our desktop demonstration showing how the Strengite Process can clean up dissolved metals levels. This will work with any contaminated closed loop water.

In the photos below, the iron and copper levels were reduced to less than 0.1 ppm. The starting soluble iron levels were greater than 500 ppm. A similar procedure can be used to demonstrate the Strengite Process’s ability to clean up a sample of corroded metal.

System water at end of loop clean. Soluble iron > 500 ppm. Standard flushing would create ten times this volume of waste to drain during flushing.

Precipitation phase has begun.  Dye added to show the solids coming out of solution. In full scale operation, separation of solids happens in under a minute and continuously.

Filtered and dried solids from cleaning does not fill a teaspoon.  Standard flushing would have created seven litres of waste. A 99.99% reduction in waste volume achieved.