A New Tool for Water Treatment Professionals: Cleaning up Fouled Glycols and Their Systems Without Discharge

Antifreeze containing closed loops are notable for the following water treatment issues:

  • Rapid corrosion of system metals if the glycol acidifies because of bacteria growth. Corrosion rates that are up to 1000 times greater than normal are possible and can cause severe corrosion and fouling problems.

  • Water companies refusing to accept dilute glycol discharges and requiring the tankering away of wastewater that contains glycol. Even when the discharge is accepted, the cost of the discharge permit can be many times greater than usual. Tankering away of glycol waste is expensive.

Cleaning closed loop systems treated with antifreeze is different to cleaning standard closed loop systems. There are unique requirements. The Strengite Process offers useful new tools to enable better water treatment for these systems that is both less costly and lower environmental impact.

The Strengite Process is able to:

  • Clean fouled antifreeze systems without discharge of fluid.

  • Clean systems with heavily corroded pipework in a single step. For example: at one site, iron levels equivalent to 12,000 ppm of iron were removed in a single stage cleaning. A case study of this cleaning is available.

  • Clean up fouled glycol and enable its reuse within the system.

  • Completely eliminate the need for tankering away of waste or discharge permits.

Typical cost saving using the Strengite Process for cleaning glycol based closed loop systems are in excess of £1/litre of system volume.

Carbon savings for every kilo of antifreeze recovered and reused are approximately 3 kilos of CO2 emissions.

For larger systems that require thousands of kilos of antifreeze, the Strengite Process delivers large cost and carbon emission savings.

Cleaned up 10% glycol after applying the Strengite Process. Iron level reduced to 0.1 ppm.

Dirty acidic 10% glycol fouled with rusts.