A Better Way to Clean Buffer Vessels

Cleaning buffer vessels using standard chemical cleaning methods is difficult and time consuming. The larger the vessel, the harder and more time consuming the work. Buffer vessels have a very high volume to surface area and as a result, the water velocity over the surface of the metal is exceedingly slow.

This is impossible to overcome. If chemical cleaning agents are used to deliver meaningful levels of cleaning, the required amounts of cleaner are large. Equally, if standard flushing methods are used, very large volumes of water end up being required and flushed down the drain. For some buffer vessels, this is hundreds of thousands or, millions of litres of water. All of which, ends up being consumed and polluted.

The Strengite Process avoids all of this. No water is discharged. There is no water pollution.

A high degree of cleaning can be achieved. The amount of metal oxides removed from the inner buffer vessel metal surfaces can be proven to the client. No water supply beyond that to initially fill the buffer vessel is required. Working times are much less than alternative methods to clean buffer vessels.

Simply put, the Strengite Process is a substantially better way to clean large buffer vessels.