A New Tool for Water Treatment Professionals: The Ability to Remove Soluble Copper and Iron from Treated Systems

Many water treatment engineers will be familiar with this situation:

You have cleaned a closed loop system, gotten it clean, treated it with corrosion inhibitors, only to find the soluble iron and copper levels are higher than specification a few days later. You examine the system and find that extra plumbing work has been done but no one claims it was them. Your client demands that you sort it out at your cost. You end up flushing out the system with fresh water and retreat the system with corrosion inhibitors and biocide – all at your own expense.

Sound painfully familiar?

Strengite has a better way. We can make excessive soluble iron and copper levels a trivial and cheap problem to solve.

The Strengite Process is able to remove soluble iron and copper from closed loop system water and leave most corrosion inhibitor systems fully intact. Key components such nitrite and molybdate are left untouched by the clean-up. There is no discharge from the system.

The Strengite Process for removal of soluble iron and copper is:

  • Fast and offers near total removal of iron and copper

  • Levels of less than 0.1 ppm copper and below 0.5 ppm iron are commonly achieved at the end of the clean-up

  • Water flow rates up to 10 litres per second are possible depending upon which equipment is used

  • A simple and easy process

  • Inexpensive

  • Preserves existing corrosion inhibitors within the system

  • Without discharge. No water supply or drain is needed.

The ability to remove soluble iron and copper from treated systems represents a much needed new tool for water treatment engineers. It can also be used to remove excessive iron and copper within older treated systems as an alternative to raw water flushing the system.