Our Business Model

The Strengite Technology is seen as critical to cleaning up the large pollution footprint associated with closed loop water treatment and helping deliver better water treatment. We want to make our technology available to all competent water treatment companies and engineers.

Our business model reflects this.

  1. Initially customers are given access to the Strengite equipment for modest fee.

  2. Training and extensive support is provided to support customers.

  3. When customers have gained sufficient experience, they are then asked to purchase equipment and sign an annual licence agreement for access to the Strengite Technology.

  4. The Strengite licence fee is just £200 per year.

  5. The Strengite equipment is robustly built and designed to last many years.

We do ask that customers use our designed products when undertaking the Strengite Process works to ensure that the chemistry and process work correctly. Our products reflect market rates and are competitive. They have specific chemistries built in that other products do not have to ensure high quality results.